超棒的一本启蒙书!少见的以蜗牛为主角,每个场景都是简单的语句和常用的单词。up a hill, through a tunnel, into a forest, over a bridge...都是最常见的场景;steep, gloomy, quiet, high...也都是最常用的形容词。画风也相当吸引人,强烈推荐。
fred, sam, and joe journeyed to greek mythology. cerberus, the three-headed dog, barked and stared at them. fred swung his thunderbolt to the book in joe’s backpack. the green mist leaked out. they ran out of the underground to mount olympu...
老大小班4岁2个月的时候自己听看过这本书,riddle基本没有get到,但是自己用中文复述了故事梗概,提到the old man on a raft的时候还用了"老翁"。 老二大班5岁6个月,亲子共读,riddle一样get不到,尤其是那个终极riddle “do you mind”,解释了几遍才似懂非懂。这本书感觉是stage 7里最费脑的一本,难怪故事结尾biff说"i never want to hear another riddle.”